Focus on usability

weighing machine

I went to a shop to buy a personal weighing machine. Sales person there showed me two different brands. I haven’t heard about both the brands before. So choosing one just based on the familiarity of the brand name is ruled out.

The next easy way to choose one is based on the looks – Color and design of the m/c. But before I went ahead to select the one with my favorite color, I noticed a difference between the two machines. One weighing machine has a magnifying lens for easy weight readability and the other brand didn’t had that. That did the trick and helped me in selecting the weighing machine.

Adding simple little feature focusing on the product usability in mind will always help brands to a greater extent.


  1. Navaneeth says:

    How much it cost for you? What is the normal range of the Analog weighing machines?

  2. It’s available from Rs 500 – Rs 1000

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