Warranty – Not Guaranteed?

Most products we buy today are covered by warranty. A warranty is basically a guarantee given by a company that their product is reliable and without any defects. But are the products truly covered till the whole warranty period?

With in six months of subscribing to Tata Sky DTH service, my digicomp was replaced twice due to manufacturing defects. Tata Sky provides the warranty on the hardware for a period of 12 months from the date of initial installation. So my newly replaced digicomp will be covered with warranty only for the rest of the six months.

Now what if this new digicomp fails to work after another six months? For no fault of mine, my warranty period was reduced due to the initial defective product.

Companies while replacing faulty products have to provide the whole warranty period to the newly replaced ones. That will reflect the faith they have in their products to the consumers.

Companies with superior products can use such type of warranty to their advantage and differentiate them from other me-too products.

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  1. Jessie Paul says:

    i completely agree with you…warranties were designed in the days when either the product lasted a lifetime or there was no competition. http://www.jessiepaul.com/2008_02_01_archive.html

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